Restoration - Alternatively I also offer a bespoke refurbish and re-veneer service to like better than new condition. I recommend using Walnut Burr because that was TVR Factory standard, but I can supply in more exotic woods like Madrona, Elm, Redwood, Birds-Eye Maple, Mercedes black wood, Aston Martin piano wood etc; so please get in touch if you fancy something different. Normally there is a ten days turn around time, but please allow upto twenty-eight days. Fully refurbished and re-veneered prices:-
Chimaera/Griffith/S-series/early Wedge dash & second panel at £312.00.
Later Wedge three peice dash, heater & glovebox panel at £384.00.
S-series/Wedge door trims at £168.00.
(Please get in touch if you have another model of TVR or make of car.)
All prices include VAT.
But Postage and Packing and Insurance is £24.00 in UK; £42 to Europe. |